Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: ZEN visualisations
Author: Fraser Trevor
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ZEN visualisations The holistic practice of creating positive images of healing within the mental body, which allows the emotional body to...

ZEN visualisations

The holistic practice of creating positive images of healing within the mental body, which allows the emotional body to respond by becoming receptive to the healing, which subsequently initiates the healing process in the physical body.

Our body and mind are intricately connected and our thoughts have a direct influence on our physical health. By using the power of our mind to envision our healing in process, we’re disciplining our nervous system to react in a positive way, resulting in the desired outcome.

The regular practice of healing visualisations allows us to detach from our past limited beliefs to release our fears and bring our awareness to the present moment to enable us to create a healthy future. Traditionally, there was an innate awareness of the mind, body and soul connection and healing visualizations were practiced through daily prayer.

The Empowerment Healing Visualization relieves stress, anxiety, fear and panic.

Practice two times a day.
Sit outdoors in nature, with your feet in direct contact with the bare earth, grass or sand.
Close your eyes and visualize the colour green.
See the colour green as a dense vortex of deep green healing energy.
Sense the dense vortex of deep green healing energy spiralling in the earth, beneath your feet.
Feel its magnetic force gently drawing your energies downwards, through the soles of your feet.
Visualise yourself being rooted into the earth below.
Allow your entire being to feel at one with nature.
Bring your awareness to your body.
Your body feels safe and grounded by the deep green healing energy.
Bring your awareness to your mind.
Your mind feels still and centred by the deep green healing energy.
Bring your awareness to your emotions.
Your emotions feel balanced and peaceful by the deep green healing energy.
Bring your awareness to your breath.
Visualize the dense vortex of deep green healing energy, attracting your inhalations, pulling them deeper within your body.
As your breathing becomes deeper, your body becomes relaxed, your mind becomes calm and your emotions become balanced.
You feel grounded, centred and in control.
Observe this feeling of empowerment within your body, mind and emotions.
Create a positive image of this feeling of empowerment within your body, your mind and your emotions.
Draw upon it during times of stress, anxiety, fear and panic.
Open your eyes gently and repeat aloud,
“I trust in the power of my breath to instill strength, stability and harmony throughout my entire being.”

As we strive to meet the demands of our busy lifestyles, we can easily become detached from nature, yet our inner wisdom intuitively reminds us to care for our body and mind holistically. By re-connecting with the ancient Indian wisdom of self-healing practices, we can cleanse, calm and empower our energies naturally, to restore balance, harmony and peace of mind.


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