Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: As for satori itself, it will turn into an act or a form of intuition.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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As for satori itself, it will turn into an act or a form of intuition. Zen does not propose this kind of miracle. In satori the continuum...
As for satori itself, it will turn into an act or a form of intuition. Zen does not propose this kind of miracle. In satori the continuum [of consciousness and time] is not subjected to the process of intellection and differentiation; it is not a concept here, though we have to speak of it as if it were. Satori is the continuum [of consciousness and time] becoming aware of itself. When it perceives itself as it is in itself there is a satori. There is in satori no differentiation of subject and object What is perceived is the percipient itself, and percipient is no other body that the perceived; the two are in a perfect state of identification; even to speak of identification is apt to mislead us to the assumption of two objects which are identified by an act of intuition." (Suzuki, Living by Zen, p. 50.)
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