Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: How To Transmute Negative Energy With Tonglen Meditation | Zenful Spirit
Author: Fraser Trevor
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How To Transmute Negative Energy With Tonglen Meditation | Zenful Spirit: "Tonglen is a Tibetan word which means “giving and taking.”...
How To Transmute Negative Energy With Tonglen Meditation | Zenful Spirit: "Tonglen is a Tibetan word which means “giving and taking.” As a spiritual practice, it refers to the sending and receiving of energy; taking in the negative (pain, suffering, fear, etc.) and giving back the positive (peace, joy, comfort, well-being).

The practice can be traced back to 11th century Tibet, and the Kadampa school of Buddhism founded by Dromton Rinpoche. Dromton credits his teacher, Atisha, with training him in Tonglen practice, and tradition holds that Atisha learned it from his teacher Serlingpa, in Sumatra.

Buddhism is often said to have “two wings,” which work together to lift the aspirant to enlightenment: wisdom (insight into the true nature of reality) and compassion (selflessness, caring, loving-kindness). Tonglen belongs to the latter – it’s intended to cultivate compassion and open the practitioner’s heart.

But just as it takes two wings to fly, so wisdom and compassion are both necessary on the spiritual path. Compassion is to be informed by wisdom, insight, and right understanding.

Tonglen was developed and taught as part of a larger discipline called lojong, or “mind training.”"



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