Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Meditation, the practice of looking deeply, has the purpose of removing wrong perceptions from us.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Meditation, the practice of looking deeply, has the purpose of removing wrong perceptions from us. If we are able to remove our wrong perc...
Meditation, the practice of looking deeply, has the purpose of removing wrong perceptions from us.
Meditation, the practice of looking deeply, has the purpose of removing wrong perceptions from us.

Meditation, the practice of looking deeply, has the purpose of removing wrong perceptions from us. If we are able to remove our wrong perc...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Non-attachment is self-mastery; it is freedom from desire for what is seen or heard.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"Practice is the repeated effort to follow the disciplines which give permanent control of the thought-waves of the mind." ...
Non-attachment is self-mastery; it is freedom from desire for what is seen or heard.
Non-attachment is self-mastery; it is freedom from desire for what is seen or heard.

"Practice is the repeated effort to follow the disciplines which give permanent control of the thought-waves of the mind." ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Discrimination' between what is eternal and what is ephemeral
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
'Discrimination' between what is eternal and what is ephemeral; 'Dispassion' to reject that which is ephemeral in order ...
Discrimination' between what is eternal and what is ephemeral
Discrimination' between what is eternal and what is ephemeral

'Discrimination' between what is eternal and what is ephemeral; 'Dispassion' to reject that which is ephemeral in order ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Brain mapping has shown that we’re hardwired for empathy.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Brain mapping has shown that we’re hardwired for empathy. The recent discovery of “mirror neurons” has done for behavioural health what DN...
Brain mapping has shown that we’re hardwired for empathy.
Brain mapping has shown that we’re hardwired for empathy.

Brain mapping has shown that we’re hardwired for empathy. The recent discovery of “mirror neurons” has done for behavioural health what DN...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Reincarnation of our consciousness is the evolution of nature and the manifestation of the child within.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In the real deepest reality of our being, what we call a 'US' is a dynamic bundle of consciousness that is constantly transforming....
The Reincarnation of our consciousness is the evolution of nature and the manifestation of the child within.
The Reincarnation of our consciousness is the evolution of nature and the manifestation of the child within.

In the real deepest reality of our being, what we call a 'US' is a dynamic bundle of consciousness that is constantly transforming....

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
ZEN MIND AND MEDITATION CENTRE Somatic Meditation takes our body as the fundamental arena of meditation practice. Rather than trying to de...

ZEN MIND AND MEDITATION CENTRE Somatic Meditation takes our body as the fundamental arena of meditation practice. Rather than trying to de...

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